Special Note:
We are accepting completed applications via email at applicatiotibc@gmail.com
Tureck International Bach Competition
P.O. Box 230851
New York City, NY 10023 USA
All electronic applications must be received by no later than March 21, 2025
Applications should be accompanied by:
1. Photograph: A good quality head shot digital photograph (300dpi and higher), suitable for publicity purposes, which should be uploaded on the online application form.
2. A Signed Recommendation Letter: From a current teacher, or musician of international standing, uploaded on PDF file.
3. Proof of Age: Scanned applicants passport. The Competition welcomes pianists aged 8-28 from the world over who pursue the musical ideals espoused by the late Rosalyn Tureck. Contestants should meet the age requirement on opening of the semifinal round, on June 6, 2025
4. Curriculum Vitae: Details of musical education (schools, teachers, received awards, participation in masterclasses, up to 200 words biography.
5. Video Submissions: The contestant verbally states their name, the date of the recording, the name of composition and and the specific category of Rosalyn Tureck Bach Competition they are entering (categories on our website - SEE HERE)
Contestant must be in excellent full view with pianist's hands and full body in screen frame.
Video is unedited, in one take start to finish; no exceptions.
No Videos (YouTube preferred) prior to December 31, 2024 will be accepted
Contemporary work is not required in the recording.
6. A Non Refundable: Payment to Tureck International Bach Competition, Inc. of one hundred eighty-five U.S. Dollars ($185) for registration and participation for one category. Each additional category participation - eighty U.S. Dollars ($80)
Application Deadline: March 21, 2025 11:59pm
Please send the completed application and the Youtube recording to: applicatiotibc@gmail.com
Golda Vainberg-Tatz, Director
Tureck International Bach Competition for Pianists
Any bank charges/fees are the responsibility of the applicants and should not be deducted from entrance fee.
Payment questions email: tureckbach@gmail.com
Contestants are responsible for their transportation to and from New York City as well as for their lodging.